Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Vancouver Pride 2008: sold out trains, tightened border security

It's Albert from Seattle Gay News, headed back to Canada for exclusive coverage of Vancouver Pride 2008.

It appears outbound Amtrak trains tomorrow through Sunday (July 31-August 3) are entirely sold out, as our attempts to book a reservation online reported "train sold out" status. This leaves me to find alternative transportation for tomorrow, as I'm expected to be there Thursday evening.

If you still want to go up to Vancouver Pride and have no wheels, try or post something in the comments section here. There are luxury coach-style buses that depart to Vancouver daily, right from King Street Station here in Seattle. You can book a bus reservation also through Amtrak ( But try carpooling first because with gas prices being what they are, someone out there could use an extra passenger chipping in for fuel.

Another thing to note beforehand is that on my return from the Pemberton Festival on Monday, I and several other passengers were randomly searched at the train station in Vancouver by US customs. This is the very first time in the many times I've taken the train in and out of Canada that such random baggage searches ever took place. Customs agents went through each of my bags, scattering my stuff on the counter for others to see, and didn't bother to re-pack my bags - completely annoying. So, a word of caution: pack light if headed to Vancouver Pride this weekend and be careful with what you pack (I had to explain a plastic baggie of aspirin - seriously, it was aspirin).

I should be in Vancouver tomorrow late afternoon, stay glued to this blog for more updates and coverage of the action up north.

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